Sept 11, 2001
6:00 am, I was watching the news, getting ready for a Chamber of Commerce Info Tech committee meeting and watching Aaron Brown (who was our old newsman in when we lived in Seattle) on CNN, and saw the horrors in New York and Washington that were unfolding and later in Pennsylvania. We were speechless and stunned, no one knew what to do other than make sure our children and families were safe. Our nation was in shock.
Today we are no longer the same, the world is different and everyone remembers where they were that morning. But what rings true today is that there are amazing people, all over the world, that will risk their lives to save people in danger and we are a better country and a better people when we are all united. Today, we remember those that tragically lost their lives and loved ones on 9/11 and to those that risked everything to save lives, we are forever grateful and we will never forget the sacrifice. Let us remember today that we are best when we are together the United States of America.
Chris Murphy