Youthful Fitness
By Efren Martinez
There are stories and myths about the Fountain of Youth, although Ponce De Leon never found it. However, I’m here to provide you with some ways to maintain a youthful appearance. While we can’t stop the aging process, we can take steps to keep our youthful look. Feeling good on the inside reflects how we look and feel on the outside. So, exercising is great, but don’t stop there. Take additional steps to enhance the benefits. The biggest factor in maintaining a youthful appearance is time itself. Around 30 years ago, my mother gave my wife and me some valuable advice to start using face moisturizers at a young age, even when we didn’t need them. In our teens to early 20s, we began using them daily. It’s never too late to start using face moisturizers and taking care of your skin, but starting early in life may provide more benefits. Other contributing factors to a youthful appearance include not smoking, avoiding alcohol, and eating natural, unprocessed foods. Try to follow a diet that consists of foods available during the time of Christ, around 2000 years ago. In other words, if Christ didn’t eat a Big Mac, you shouldn’t either. Drinking enough water daily is another way to maintain a youthful glow. When our bodies are hydrated, our skin looks healthy and radiant. I personally drink around 12-8oz glasses of water per day. It all comes back to the basic lesson we learned in first grade: we are what we eat and drink, so keep it clean. Sun exposure can age your skin quickly, so remember to use sunscreen, avoid tanning beds, and limit direct sun exposure. One simple tip is to always remove your makeup before going to bed. I make sure to wash my face regularly throughout the day, especially after exercising. Each night, I spend around 10 minutes washing my face, exfoliating, brushing and flossing my teeth, and applying my night facial moisturizers. The key is to make time to take care of yourself. It’s important to try and get 8 hours of sleep each night, avoid stressful situations and toxic people, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise regularly. These are just a few anti-aging tips I’ve learned over the years. At 55 years old, I’m a happy and healthy man who feels that I look better than ever before. You can achieve this too! Just prioritize your health, hygiene, and overall well-being, and you’ll reap the benefits at any age. Cheers to your health!