
Zen View – World T¹ai Chi Day

Mary Layton
World T’ai Chi Day

World T’ai Chi Day is observed on Saturday, April 27th, 10 am local time, worldwide.
What is T’ai Chi? T’ai Chi, also called T’ai Chi Ch’uan , combines deep breathing and relaxation exercises with flowing, circular movements. Originally developed as a martial art in China in the 13th century, T’ai Chi is now practiced around the world as a health-promoting exercise. It can be practiced on many levels, as a moving meditation or as a martial art. World T’ai Chi Day was founded in 1999 by Bill Douglas who teaches T’ai Chi meditation for Medical centers and major corporations in Kansas City. Since then World T’ai Chi Day has been observed every year on the last Saturday in April. Reading up on the history of this day, I found that World T’ai Chi Day “has been officially proclaimed by Presidents, Congresses and public officials worldwide, including governors of 22 states, the senates of New York and California, Puerto Rico, the Brazilian National Congress, by consulates and embassies from Italy to the US, China to India.” People come together to practice this art in 100s of cities, spanning 80 nations.

The purpose is to inspire and educate the world of the profound health and healing benefits of T’ai Chi. World T’ai Chi Day is more than merely a celebration of an ancient art. It provides a healing vision of our world. It brings together people from all walks of life, young and old, strong and weak. To us as T’ai Chi practitioners, it is profound to see photos and videos of large groups of people around the globe moving in unison, stepping gently and gracefully at the same time.
It creates a unique and peaceful feeling. If you like to have your own T’ai Chi experience go to or call (209)572-4518.