
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997


ZenView By Mary Layton


Where’s all the time going? An hour feels more like half an hour.

What happened? Have the computers, texts and tweets accelerated time?

Is the universe spinning faster? Sure seems like people have a lot less

time than before. Technology has countless advantages but it does not necessarily

buy us extra time as we expected it would. We are busier than ever.

That urge to constantly want to get more things done. Even when we might have a chance to relax, waiting for a plane or a train, waiting in line, sitting in traffic – we want to be productive because we have the means.

Or we just want to kill time.

We entertain ourselves. With the click of a button we search for answers for any topic under the sun. We are learning and gathering so much information so quickly. All that multitasking we have come accustomed to is overwhelming and makes us nervous and tense. In this ultra busy era it is a blessing to have a regular practice of Yoga, T’ai Chi or similar meditative activities. The time has come to find a TIME OUT. or call (209) 572-4518