

Mary Layton

Some things improve with age. Wine, whiskey, vinegar, Persian carpets, bonsai and our old treasures not only improve but get more expensive! For people it usually means that they become wiser. Aging is a natural process of life. We age from the moment we are born. We may be able to control many things but we cannot stop the process of aging with all its challenges, wrinkles, aches and pains. The only thing we can do is to accept our aging, and then we most likely age well. We can eat healthy. Do things that we love and enjoy doing. Spend time in nature. Do things in moderation. Get plenty of sleep. Stay positive. Exercise our bodies as well as our minds.

I believe age should be something to be proud of, not something we resist and fight against. What we define as old has changed. A 60 year old person is not considered that old anymore. The other day I heard someone say, 60 is the new 40. That makes it easier already the way we think about these numbers. My parents, who are close to 90 now tell me that they still can have very good days – followed by not such good ones. So they take one day at a time. A good way to handle life anyway.

It is amazing that no matter how old we get we always feel so much younger inside.
In the end aging becomes something of a spiritual journey: Saying goodbye to our youthful looks, the way our bodies performed for us before and saying hello to the unknown. Thank God we are in it together.

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