
ZenView – Flexibility

By Mary Layton

The 3rd month into living in the world of COVID 19, I find that the shock waves are lessening. Certainly news of some businesses being allowed to reopen has helped. I’m beginning to relax. Evidence of how people have rallied for mutual support has been amazing. It’s so obvious to all of us now that we cannot survive in this world alone. Keeping an open mind, being flexible is the thing that gives us fortitude and courage to deal with whatever tomorrow will bring. Basically it’s like playing a different ball game, with a bunch of new rules. If before I was able to teach a Tai Chi class consisting of 10-40 people I’m now supposed to teach only one person, or at most 2 people at a time in order to guarantee social distancing and safety. It’s been actually great fun. It really helps to stay mentally flexible now. I’m learning to look for the hidden good in everything I encounter. I liked a quote I came across in one of my wise books: “There is not such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.” I have watched myself stiffening up in recent weeks around worries for the future of all of us. Then I came across another great quote, from the Bible: “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, tomorrow will look after itself.” So true!

We can speculate all we want. We will never know the future. So I surrender to the moment, which is the only thing I can control. At least for this moment I can make sure that I keep a positive attitude. I practice Tai Chi or do simple Yoga stretches, sit quietly or take a walk.

I need both physical and mental flexibility. I’m learning to be my own best friend. As part of taking care of my needs I’m also aware of some fears or bad habits that are still blocking me from being all that I can be or do. Another discovery is that the world has become more quiet and lovely. I can hear the birds sing like I have never heard them before. I notice so much beauty around me. And I have a feeling that everything is just the way it should be.

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