
ZenView – Necessity

By Mary Layton

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a saying that popped into my mind the other day.
Our lives have changed so much and keep changing week to week as we have gone through reopening of businesses to having them close again. Seems like in these uncertain times it really is imperative to have a good attitude, to keep going, to be resourceful, creative and willing to deal with new regulations and requirements. It isn’t always easy and comfortable but we may discover new frontiers, new possibilities and actually reinvent ourselves because it is just plain necessary to do so. And so as in Star Trek, out of necessity, we “boldly go where no-one has gone before. “
I am by nature a shy person but I understand for the first time that necessity is the thing that makes even the most timid soul bold. For example using Zoom and seeing myself and others on a screen was a struggle initially.

Having to learn the ropes of a new technology, seeing others including myself on camera felt strange at first, to say the least. But I do remember the thrill when I overcame my fear and the wonderful reward to see people I hadn’t seen and communicated with in a while. While I’m still not very comfortable with this new possibility I get that as with everything else that is new, the more you use and practice it, the more fluent you become in it. I have to make the best of it.

Now is the time to jump over my own shadow. Knowing that millions of other people are going through this ‘new normal’ makes it easier. We are now basically all beginners. And it is a comfort to realize that even though we are more separate physically than before as we are doing our business or homework from home, we are learning to connect beyond the distance and get the work done.
The necessity for social distancing has made its way into countless situations and a lot of them are truly devastating, like not being allowed to visit loved ones in the hospital or nursing homes as well as the restrictions on wedding celebrations and funerals. And the list goes on.
There are many terrible losses but also many good things that our new reality has brought us. May be some of us have become more playful, entertaining ourselves at home, spending more time with loved ones, or having time to write and create new things, fix stuff on our own and learn something new.

I think at this time it would be beneficial that we all look after each other and assist one another wherever possible. Do what is necessary. We have more time now to reflect on our lives, and decide what is a luxury – not essential – and what is.

The pandemic has been terrifying – especially for all those brave people who are fighting and serving daily at the frontlines in hospitals, nursing homes and schools, gas stations and food distribution places, etc. I feel truly grateful to these people. As a society we are undergoing huge changes. We are forced to wake up. As Gillian Anderson, actress and writer says: “Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action and perseverance and facing your fears.”

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