
ZenView – Resistance

Resistance By Mary Layton

“Resistance is futile” says the Borgmother to Captain Pickard in Star Trek. Of course he must resist her : it’s a matter of survival. He must overthrow the invaders in order to save his ship and his people.

To me, resistance is a double edged sword. If we resist too much we disconnect from the natural flow, or universal truth; if we resist too little we may expose ourselves to danger. Humans, in general, resist many things, not always consciously. We resist what is good for us, i.e. a healthy life style (good diet, exercise, fresh air, family time and rest). Or we resist what is bad for us, sweets, too much food, drinking, smoking, too much shopping, texting in the car, and other temptations.

Vegetarians resist meat, meat-eaters have a resistance to vegis. We have a resistance to being in the present, to listening, to participating. Many people resist getting old. In childhood, when our mother tells us to go to bed when we are tired, we resist. Then, when we are teenagers, we want to be older than we really are and resist what we are being told, like getting out of bed, or getting our homework done. Some people resist to become adults, and like Peter Pan, never want to grow up. Resistance becomes a necessity when we have to defend and stand up for our values, beliefs and rights.

In nature there seems to be less resistance. The flowers will not resist the sun, they need it. When the wind blows, the trees go with the flow. Resist or not resist, that is the question. Go to taich4modesto, or call : (209) 572-4518