
ZenView – Sport

Mary Layton

Life is a Sport
It sure was great to watch the Olympics last month and to get a break from business as usual. I found myself shaking my head in disbelief what the athletes the world over are able to do. Humans like you and me, except that they are equipped with such fantastic bodies and an unlimited will. Watching the incredible tenacity and strength of their at times record breaking performances is proof of what is humanly possible. Wow!

The other really wonderful thing is to see the whole world coming together to compete in
peace and harmony. Across political, racial and religious differences, here is the way the world and its inhabitants can co-exist. Once every 2 years at the Winter or Summer Olympics we watch this miracle, a fest of hope and love. We see the great struggle of the athletes and learn about what playing by the rules of their sports as well as observing the rules of true sportsmanship looks like. For the most part we see humans at their best, but we all know nobody is perfect.
Watching the Olympics this year made me think that life too is like a sport. We may not live in that highly competitive life of sports. But like the athletes we have our accomplishments and disappointments. Life has got its hurdles. Sometimes it may seem that we are faced with one challenge after the other. We are life champions. We have endured and survived a lot.
We don’t have an audience and our medals are invisible. Our friends and family at certain times come together as a team to meet the challenges life presents. The rest of the time we grapple with life on our own the best we can.

As Oprah Winfrey puts it: “You don’t get what you hope for. You don’t get what you wish for. You get what you believe in.” If you believe in something you will be motivated to make an effort towards it. The important thing is to give ourselves credit for our sincere efforts. Even if they are the smallest steps towards reaching for the gold within us.

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