
ZenView – The Unknown

By Mary Layton
Facing the Unknown

“Boldly go where no-one has gone before” – these are the famous words of
Captain Picard of Starship Enterprise. Applied to our reality I find this quote comforting. It reminds me how brave we humans really can be. It takes courage and wisdom to navigate through these very challenging times with news that are shocking and remind us daily of our vulnerabilities as humans living on planet Earth.

Given what we are faced with nowadays we hardly need to watch scary science fiction
movies anymore. There are moments when I watch the news and it seems as though we are in a very scary movie ourselves. Only that we don’t know how the script will end! Of course, this is nothing new, we never been able to know the future. But it seems to me that there’s now more uncertainty in the world than ever, rapid new developments and transformation, things that we didn’t have to deal with or are encountering for the first time.

What helps me to be more at ease with the unknown is to take good care of myself. I give myself plenty of rest and healthy food. When I take the time out from my busy schedule to sit still and meditate I feel that my breathing becomes deeper, nourishes and invigorates me. All I can ever know is this moment that I live in. So I take one moment at a time, one day at a time and make the best of it. I greatly benefit from taking walks in nature. Practicing Tai Chi or Yoga or doing exercises that quiet the mind while strengthening the body are very good! These type of exercises are available right here in our town. So go boldly where you haven’t gone before!

For more info go to or call (209)572-4518